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Meld 3.19 win32 installer compatible with mingw building.

Vasily Galkin requested to merge galkinvv/meld:meld-3-19-win32-installer into master

This set of changes allows building meld installer for mingw's python provided that all dependencies are installed.

Building can be performed by commands:

# prepare
glib-compile-schemas data
# build msi
python3 bdist_msi 
# build zip
python install --root build/install_root --prefix . bdist_dumb

By now it doesn't include changes for appveyor support due to dependencies issues, so appveyor continues building pygobject-win32 version which should build fine, but upon execution shows just gtk messagebox "Meld requires GTK 3.20 or higher" (since pygobject-win32 has GTK 3.18).

Both builds with mingw and pygobject-win32 were tested, but only locally without appveyor.

Merge request reports
