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  • Daniel Veillard's avatar
    Okay this is scary but it is just adding a configure option to disable · a9cce9cd
    Daniel Veillard authored
    * HTMLtree.c SAX2.c c14n.c catalog.c debugXML.c
      encoding.c entities.c nanoftp.c nanohttp.c parser.c relaxng.c
      testAutomata.c testC14N.c testHTML.c testRegexp.c testRelax.c
      testSchemas.c testXPath.c threads.c tree.c valid.c xmlIO.c
      xmlcatalog.c xmllint.c xmlmemory.c xmlreader.c xmlschemas.c
      example/gjobread.c include/libxml/HTMLtree.h include/libxml/c14n.h
      include/libxml/catalog.h include/libxml/debugXML.h
      include/libxml/entities.h include/libxml/nanohttp.h
      include/libxml/relaxng.h include/libxml/tree.h
      include/libxml/valid.h include/libxml/xmlIO.h
      include/libxml/xmlschemas.h include/libxml/
      include/libxml/xpathInternals.h python/libxml.c:
      Okay this is scary but it is just adding a configure option
      to disable output, this touches most of the files.