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  • Daniel Veillard's avatar
    fixing bug #108976 get the ID/REFs to reference the ID in the document · ef8dd7be
    Daniel Veillard authored
    * parser.c: fixing bug #108976 get the ID/REFs to reference
      the ID in the document content and not in the entity copy
    * SAX.c include/libxml/parser.h: more checking of the ID/REF
      stuff, better solution for #107208
    * xmlregexp.c: removed a direct printf, dohhh
    * xmlreader.c: fixed a bug on streaming validation of empty
      elements in entities
    * result/VC/ElementValid8 test/VCM/v20.xml result/valid/xhtml1.xhtml:
      cleanup of the validation tests
    * test/valid/id* test/valid/dtds/destfoo.ent result/valid/id*:
      added more ID/IDREF tests to the suite