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Remove hacky heuristic from b2dc5675

Checking whether the context is close to the parent context by hardcoding 250 is not portable (I noticed tests were failing on Morello since the value is 288 there due to pointers being 128 bits). Instead we should ensure that the XML_VCTXT_USE_PCTXT flag is not set in cases where the user data is not actually a parser context (or ideally add a separate field but that would be an ABI break.

From what I can see in the source, the XML_VCTXT_USE_PCTXT is only set if the userData field points to a valid context, and if this is not the case the flag should be cleared when changing userData rather than relying on the offset between the two. Looking at the history, I think d7cb33cf fixed most of the need for this workaround, but it looks like there are a few more locations that need updating; This commit changes two more places to set/clear/copy the XML_VCTXT_USE_PCTXT flag, so this heuristic should not be needed anymore. I've also drop two = NULL assignment in xmllint since this is not needed after a call to memset().

There was also an uninitialized vctxt.flags (and other fields) in xmlShellValidate(), which I've fixed by adding a memset() call.

Edited by Alexander Richardson

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