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Refactor the settings of $docdir

Mattia Rizzolo requested to merge mattia/libxml2:docdir into master

This is a completely noop change for this project, since before this commit nothing was using $docdir nor PROGRAM_TARNAME.

Setting the fourth parameter of AC_INIT() makes it set PROGRAM_TARNAME, which then used as the last path component of the default docdir, effectively making $docdir be the same as the previous BASE_DIR/DOC_MODULE.

I've done this while looking to make the docs installation properly work (coming MRs).

In this way, the standard --docdir flag of autoconf can work again, and that --with-html-subdir also becomes more useful (since passing an empty string would have forced /html if one didn't want it, for example).

Probably I should have continued and dropped the whole --with-html= and --with-html-subdir= parameter support since autoconf already has a default --htmldir, but I didn't bother at this time.

Merge request reports
