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Rewrite ShumateMarkerLayer selection logic

James Westman requested to merge (removed):fix-11 into master

Selecting and unselecting map markers is now done entirely through the ShumateMarkerLayer rather than the individual ShumateMarkers. This makes the code simpler and matches how e.g. GtkListBox works.

Some notable changes:

  • The ShumateMarker methods for selecting and unselecting a marker have been removed and replaced with methods in ShumateMarkerLayer.
  • Setting the selection mode to GTK_SELECTION_NONE no longer sets the selectable property of children to FALSE.
  • Added marker-selected and marker-unselected signals to ShumateMarkerLayer.
  • Selecting a marker properly deselects the other markers in GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE mode.

Also added unit tests for ShumateMarkerLayer.

Fixes #11 (closed).

Edited by James Westman

Merge request reports