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Export rsvg_handle_read_stream_sync

Jordan Petridis requested to merge alatiera/librsvg:alatiera/pub-export into master

This is a litter weird, the CI seemed to have failed to build due to the function not being exported, but locally it built fine regardless of the environment and the rustc version. It probably was a caching issue.

In any case, 9cb6c084 portted rsvg_handle_read_stream_sync to Rust but did not export it leading to the following linker error in the CI:

warning: function is marked #[no_mangle], but not exported
   --> rsvg_internals/src/
646 | / pub unsafe extern "C" fn rsvg_handle_rust_read_stream_sync(
647 | |     handle: *mut RsvgHandle,
648 | |     stream: *mut gio_sys::GInputStream,
649 | |     cancellable: *mut gio_sys::GCancellable,
...   |
671 | |     }
672 | | }
    | |_^
    = note: #[warn(private_no_mangle_fns)] on by default
    = help: try exporting the item with a `pub use` statement

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 04s

*** Warning: Linking the shared library against the
*** static library /builds/GNOME/librsvg/_build/target/debug/librsvg_internals.a is not portable!
  CCLD     rsvg-convert
/usr/bin/ld: ./.libs/ undefined reference to `rsvg_handle_rust_read_stream_sync'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Merge request reports