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  • Federico Mena Quintero's avatar
    Rename AttributeError to ValueErrorKind · 7e629ca9
    Federico Mena Quintero authored
    Our terminology for errors is slightly wrong, and it doesn't quite
    match the model that rust-cssparser and servo expect.
    Rust-cssparser provides BasicParseError, which is a
    BasicParseErrorKind plus a location.  This is just a simple parsing
    error like "unexpected token" or "premature EOF".
    On top of that, rust-cssparser provides ParseError and ParseErrorKind.
    The former is a ParseErrorKind plus a location; the latter is a basic
    parse error, or a custom error.
    When implementing the rules_and_declarations traits, cssparser expects
    us to provide our own custom parsing errors in the form of
    ParseError<OurCustomError>.  For example, Servo has this:
      pub type ParseError<'i> = cssparser::ParseError<'i, StyleParseErrorKind<'i>>;
    And that StyleParseErrorKind has a ton of stuff:
      pub enum StyleParseErrorKind<'i> {
    So, we will move to a similar model.
    AttributeError is the wrong name; it represents a parsing or
    validation error in a value from an element attribute, or a CSS style
    property... but we don't know which.  Instead, we'll call it
    ValueErrorKind, to make it closer to rust-cssparser's view of the world.