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  • Adam Williamson's avatar
    rest_proxy_call_sync: bail out if no payload · 8a1c048f
    Adam Williamson authored
    goa-daemon is crashing on suspend/resume with a traceback that
    points here: it calls rest_proxy_call_sync, that calls
    _rest_proxy_send_message, assumes it gets a `payload` back,
    and calls `finish_call` with it. However, it's not actually
    guaranteed that `_rest_proxy_send_message` will return a payload
    (a `GBytes`). There are three ways it can return `NULL` instead:
    if it's passed a wrong proxy or message, or - when built against
    libsoup3 - if there is an error sending the message (it passes
    through the return value of `soup_session_send_and_read`, and
    that's documented to be `NULL` on error).
    If `payload` comes back `NULL`, let's just return `FALSE`, like
    we do if there's a problem with the call or message.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAdam Williamson <>