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  • James Westman's avatar
    preferences-page: Add banner property · 3f96e940
    James Westman authored and Alice Mikhaylenko's avatar Alice Mikhaylenko committed
    Add a banner property to AdwPreferencesPage. This AdwBanner widget is
    shown at the top of the page if it is revealed and does not scroll with
    the page contents. The intended use is to draw attention to conditions
    that might affect the preferences on the page, such as downloads being
    paused on a metered network.
    preferences-page: Add banner property
    James Westman authored and Alice Mikhaylenko's avatar Alice Mikhaylenko committed
    Add a banner property to AdwPreferencesPage. This AdwBanner widget is
    shown at the top of the page if it is revealed and does not scroll with
    the page contents. The intended use is to draw attention to conditions
    that might affect the preferences on the page, such as downloads being
    paused on a metered network.