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  • Nelson Ben's avatar
    several doc improvements · 388cbc7a
    Nelson Ben authored
     - Document the automatic expansion of ${prefix} and ${libdir}
       in command args attributes.
     - Document that 'makeinstallargs' attribute must include the
       make target.
     - Document default values for skip-install.
     - Document some attributes that take a yes/no instead of true/false,
       also mention their default values.
     - Document the supports-parallel-builds attribute.
     - Add some missing attributes to their module.
     - Highlight some terms.
    moduleset.dtd and moduleset.rnc:
     - Add some attributes that were documented in moduleset-syntax.rst
       but were not added to moduleset.{dtd|rnc}.
          autotools: skip-install and supports-static-analyzer
          cmake: skip-install and cmakedir
          meson: skip-install