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  • Sébastien Wilmet's avatar
    View: fix bug [Alt+Down or Alt+Up] followed by Ctrl+z · 02a622a2
    Sébastien Wilmet authored and Christian Hergert's avatar Christian Hergert committed
    The bug was that the undo operation (Ctrl+z) moved the cursor to the
    last line of the buffer.
    When moving line(s) down or up (with Alt+Down or Alt+Up), there is the
    special case of the buffer end that doesn't end with a newline
    The previous solution basically canonicalized the buffer by always
    having a trailing newline. Then removing the trailing newline if it was
    So now, to fix the bug, a trailing newline is inserted *only* when the
    end of the buffer is involved.
    Basic regression/unit tests are included, so this bug should hopefully
    not re-appear.