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Replace gtk_text_input with text_input_unstable_v3 support

dcz requested to merge dcz/gtk:gtk-3-22 into gtk-3-22

This change is part of Purism's efforts to standardize a single text input protocol across Wayland.

Currently, Gtk and Qt, as well as respective compositors, use different text_input protocols and are not 100% compatible with each other. zwp_text_input_v3 is based off gtk_text_input, and was submitted for inclusion in wayland-protocols after extensive feedback mostly from Sway/wlroots.

The protocol is already implemented in wlroots, and this change adds client support on the Gtk side. We're on track discussing s

Changes compared to gtk_text_input are minimal:

  • naming and formatting: gtk -> zwp, etc.
  • removed serial numbers, since they are gone in the new proposal.

Feedback welcome!

Merge request reports