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  • oreo639's avatar
    x11: Remove last_wmspec_check_time · ab33b56e
    oreo639 authored
    In fetch_net_wm_check_window(), before updating the wmspec_check_window, a
    check is performed to verify a 15s difference between last_wmspec_check_time
    and the current monotonic time.
    The comment suggests that this check is done to ensure that it doesn't check
    for a new check window repeatedly over and over again. While that was the case
    origionally, currently the last_wmspec_check_time only gets updated when
    wmspec_check_window is set, which is already checked earlier, making the time
    check useless.
    This check causes issues on cold boots where gtk4 applications are not able
    to obtain the wmspec_check_window until 15 seconds after boot, making gtk
    unable to check for extended wm_hints during that time.
    Fixes: #6558