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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    Find tooltip/dnd widget running through container children in inverse order · a33f0ff8
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Matthias Clasen's avatar Matthias Clasen committed
    Usually, educated GtkContainers' forall() implementation returns children
    in an order that's safe for the default draw() implementation in GtkContainer.
    So for widgets with some stacking notions (eg. GtkOverlay),
    _gtk_widget_find_at_coords() needs to recurse within containers in reverse
    order so it finds the topmost widget.
    As this function is used in both tooltips and DnD code, this improves behavior
    of "floating" widgets wrt those two. This could for example be seen in the
    "Transparent" GTK+ demo, where dropping text on the entry results on the text
    going to the textview.