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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    GtkRange: Fix an event propagation issue · e586dd25
    Matthias Clasen authored
    The scale in the selectable listbox in page 2 of gtk3-widget-factory
    has the flaw that the row is getting selected even when one only
    interacts with the scale - unlike e.g. the checkbutton and button
    further down in the listbox.
    The problem is that GtkRange is trying to claim the sequence for
    the drag gesture from the ::pressed handler of a multipress
    gesture. Since the drag gesture hasn't seen the sequence at this
    point, that is ineffective.
    The fix here is to rearrange the gestures so that the multipress
    gesture sees the sequence before the drag gesture, and then
    claim the sequence from the ::drag-begin handler.