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  • Tim Janik's avatar
    moved GtkAnchorType and GtkSideType from gtkpacker.h to gtkenum.h. · c63e37b4
    Tim Janik authored
    Sun Apr 29 03:02:02 2001  Tim Janik  <>
            * gtk/gtkpacker.h:
            * gtk/gtkenums.h: moved GtkAnchorType and GtkSideType from gtkpacker.h
             to gtkenum.h.
            * gtk/gtkmain.c (gtk_main_do_event): silence compiler (GDK_SETTING not
            handled in switch).
            * gtk/
            (gtk.defs): generate enum portions with  glib-mkenums.
            (gtktypebuiltins_evals.c): generate this with glib-mkenums.
            got rid of and makeenums.awk in distributed tarballs.
            * gtk/gtkaccelgroup.c (gtk_accel_group_add): refined havocs warning
            * docs/Changes-2.0.txt: keep a note on signal handlers now
            not getting emitted during the emission they were connected within.