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  • Federico Mena Quintero's avatar
    GtkFileChooserEntry: regenerate the completions if the dir_part changes · 81059c35
    Federico Mena Quintero authored
    Consider this bug:
    1. Open a file chooser; switch it to $HOME
    2. Start typing "~/Dow" with some file that *does* exist in your $HOME
    3. Delete the inline-completion selection (e.g. the "nloads" after "~/Down").
    4. While you are at "~/Dow_" hit Tab.  No completion will occur.
    This happens because of the following.
    Say the GtkFileChooserEntry is in the process of loading $HOME,
    because _set_base_folder() was called.  If the entry contains no text,
    then the FULL_PATH_COLUMN of the file system model will be set to
    unprefixed filenames from $HOME, like
    Later we avoid reloading the folder if g_file_equal(old_folder, new_folder).
    However, the FULL_PATH_COLUMN gets populated in completion_store_set()
    out of the actual filenames that GIO returned, plus the chooser_entry->dir_part.
    If the user starts typing "~/Dow" then dir_part changes to "~/", *but*
    the folder won't be reloaded since it is also $HOME.  However, the completion
    machinery assumes that FULL_PATH_COLUMN will contain prefixed entries like
    So, we add an invariant that chooser_entry->dir_part and
    chooser_entry->current_folder_file must change at the same time, and
    must not get out of sync:  If any of them changes, then the
    completions are regenerated.