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testsuite: fix icontheme test failure on win32

gwillems requested to merge g.willems/gtk:testsuite_fix_icontheme_win32 into main

Got this error while running the testsuite on win32:

(C:/TEMP/libs/gtk/_build/testsuite/gtk/icontheme.exe:12384): ERROR **: Icon for "simple" with flags 0 at size 16 should be ".../icons/16x16/simple.png" but is "...C:\TEMP\libs\gtk\testsuite\gtk\icons\16x16\simple.png"


g_str_has_suffix() fails due to different path separators (filename uses /, path uses \).

Compare canonical paths instead.

Note: I tried to use g_file_equal() instead of the g_strcmp0() but for some reason it didn't work... The g_strcmp0 solution at least works on both win32 and Linux.

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