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tooltips: hide tooltips before showing popups

Nelson Ben requested to merge BUG_tooltip_blocks_combo_GTK3 into gtk-3-24

because if there's a tooltip visible then popups fail to show with the following warning: "Gdk-WARNING **: Tried to map a popup with a non-top most parent"

This bug affect popups of the form:

  1. popups from gtk_menu_popup_{at_widget|at_rect|for_device}()

    This can be reproduce with a normal GtkComboBox that has a tooltip attached (eg. via GtkBuilder 'tooltip_text' attribute). Also see GtkLabel reproducer mentioned in #1785 (closed) comment 1

  2. custom popups created with gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP)

    A reproducer that shows this case is a GtkComboBox with the property 'appears-as-list'[1] set to TRUE (default is FALSE).

Fixes issue #1785 (closed)


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