No anti-aliasing between monitors
Steps to reproduce
- Execute any program that opens a GTK3 window
- Have at least one downscaled monitor.
- Move the window between said monitor and a non-downscaled monitor (in some cases, the window just has to be close to a screen edge adjacent to another monitor, assuming the window is only on the downscaled monitor)
Current behavior
Anti-aliasing does not render on downscaled monitor.
Expected outcome
Anti-aliasing is rendered on all monitors.
Version information
- GTK3
- GNU/Linux
- Wayland
- Mesa 24.3.1
- Fedora Linux 41 (Workstation Edition)
- Out-of-the-box GTK.
Additional information
Note: screenshots "force" anti-aliasing, so pictures of the monitors will be provided instead.
Right monitor is downscaled, left is not. Anti-aliasing is not present on the right (downscaled) monitor. Notice the "t" in "Selected"
When this window is not in between monitors, the issue disappears. (Downscaled monitor shown here)
Zen Browser (based on Firefox) uses GTK. The issue can be seen here as well. Notice the missing side of the maximize square.
Zen Browser is not even touching the screen edge, yet the issue persists. Notice the missing minimize button. (Downscaled monitor shown here)
When the window is far enough from the screen edge, the issue disappears. (Downscaled monitor shown here)