Font antialiasing problems
Steps to reproduce
Replace Ubuntu 22.04 with 24.10
Current behavior
Various system applications are not respecting LCD anti-aliasing
Expected outcome
All font settings available with dconf Editor and gnome-tweaks should work like during many years.
Version information
I'm using default Ubuntu packages, the same behavior is visible with X11 and Wayland
Additional information
After replacing Ubuntu with higher version I have found, that new distribution doesn't allow for enable font LCD antialiasing in various system / non-system applications. After further investigation I have found few useful links:
- #3787 (closed)
- gnome-tweaks#515
It looks, that GTK4 is supporting only grayscale anti-aliasing and even org.gnome.desktop.interface.font-rendering = manual doesn't enable respecting org.gnome.desktop.interface.font-antialiasing = rgba. I've tried gtk-hint-font-metrics=1 and others, but it's simply not enough.
My fonts are looking like in example from Ubuntu 24.04 and there should look like in Ubuntu 22.04 (example pictures in
In this bug I kindly request for returning old functionality.
Few points:
- Pls don't redirect me immediately to Ubuntu or Gnome. I understand, that these changes in GTK4 started changes in other apps (of course: I will kindly ask for advice, where should be extra similar cases opened, if any).
- This looks for me like bug. Cleartype or LCD antialiasing is with us at least 25 years and there was huge need of implementing it - we have different eyes and for some people other font rendering methods can even make physical pain or eyes problems. This functionality is so basic, that lack of it is bigger than lack of x86 or arm support.
- Some people need more sharp fonts, some less. Today in IT we see this not very good trend of removing some options and making everything automatically. In issue 3787 I have seen discussion, what is high res monitor and what not and should framework work. Please remember, that users cannot always select hardware. Low res screens can be given in work, normally they also need less energy (and are good for laptops). Good framework should allow for setting font rendering options in every situation - it's connected with personal human abilities and some of these things cannot be dropped or replaced with others.
- "You need to accept it" - see once again previous point. When software is not ready (doesn't have basic functionalities) shouldn't be released. This is not video game and statistics, but more playing with somebody's pain and health. This cannot be changed and "it is as is".
- "Nothing can be done" - If you don't want to be Imperator from Star Wars or Borg from Star Trek, please don't say "resistance is futile". Note: If this is official statement, than it means, that people creating this software are not different from Microsoft, Google and bigger companies forcing some problematic things.
- Please don't close it as non-related & please don't say, this is feature request. This is simple regression & I will be very thankful, when discussion about this can be done / can end with constructive conclusion.
- I'm sorry, if something above was written incorrectly. I'm currently a little bit scared with this what is done.