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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    textview: use GtkTextViewChild for border and overlay children · fea2a82e
    Christian Hergert authored
    This creates a new GtkTextViewChild that can manage overlay children at
    given x,y offsets in buffer coordinates. This simplifies GtkTextView by
    extracting this from GtkTextWindow as well as providing a real widget for
    the borders.
    With this change, we also rename gtk_text_view_add_child_in_window() to
    gtk_text_view_add_overlay(). For those that were using
    GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, they can use a GtkOverlay. It does not appear
    that anyone was using GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_(LEFT|RIGHT|TOP|BOTTOM) for widgets
    in this fashion, but that can be done by setting a gutter widget with
    gtk_text_view_set_gutter(). We can make GtkTextViewChild public if
    necessary to simplify this should it become necessary.
    GtkTextViewChild will setup a CSS node of either "text" or "border"
    depending on the GtkTextWindowType.
    The old GtkTextViewChild has been renamed to AnchoredChild as it is only
    used for widgets with anchors in the GtkTextBuffer. This also removes the
    use of al...