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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    Don't to focus insensitive widgets. (#68203) · d1be9aea
    Owen Taylor authored
    Tue Feb 26 18:01:10 2002  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtkwidget.c (gtk_widget_grab_focus): Don't
            to focus insensitive widgets. (#68203)
            * gtk/gtkentry.c (gtk_entry_state_changed): Clear any
            current selection if we become insensitive. (#68203)
            * gtk/gtkentry.c (gtk_entry_grab_focus): Don't
            select the text if the entry isn't editable. (#67203)
            * gtk/gtkentry.c: Activate keybindings when not editable,
            but supress keybindings that change the text. (#65848, #68203)
            * gtk/gtkentry.c (gtk_entry_set_property): Reset the
            IM context for the entry when it is made not editable.