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  • Erik van Pienbroek's avatar
    Don't use AC_CANONICAL_TARGET · cd98eb15
    Erik van Pienbroek authored and Matthias Clasen's avatar Matthias Clasen committed
    This autoconf macro should only be used for building compilers
    (or compiler tools) for a specific target. The current effect of
    it in GTK3 is that it causes various executables like gtk3-demo
    to be prefixed with $target- when the --target configure flag
    is set or when cross-compiling. When cross-compiling GTK3 on
    Linux for the Win32 target this causes the gtk3-demo binary
    to be named i686-w64-mingw32-gtk3-demo.exe instead of just
    gtk3-demo.exe (like it was before commit 53083ea7)