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Fix minor deficiencies

René de Hesselle requested to merge dehesselle/gtk-osx:minor_fixes into master

I've done my first build with GTK4 today and this is what I came out of it.

This MR fixes two bugs in the module sets:

  • The dependency to gtk-4 is incorrectly specified as gtk-4.0 in a few places.
    -> Change these occurrences to gtk-4.
  • My first build attempt failed with meson complaining about missing gdk-pixbuf:
    Run-time dependency pangoft2 found: YES 1.48.4
    Run-time dependency pangocairo found: YES 1.48.4
    Found CMake: /Users/Shared/work/0.1/bin/cmake (3.20.0)
    Run-time dependency gdk-pixbuf-2.0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig, framework and cmake)
    Not looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency gdk-pixbuf-2.0 because:
    Use of fallback dependencies is disabled.
    ../../../usr/src/gtk-4.2.0/ ERROR: Dependency 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0' is required but not found.
    -> Add gdk-pixbuf as depencency to gtk-4.

Merge request reports
