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  • Mike Fleetwood's avatar
    Fix File System Support dialog not showing changes after rescan (!38) · 7ea91bca
    Mike Fleetwood authored
    Open the File System Support dialog, either add or remove some file
    system specific commands used by GParted and press the
    [Rescan For Supported Actions] button.  The supported actions don't
    change.  However after just closing and reopening the dialog, the
    supported actions do reflect the added or removed file system specific
    Bisected to this commit:
        Display "other" in the File System Support dialog (!13)
    The problem is that commit made a subset copy of the
    GParted_Core::FILESYSTEMS vector, obtained from get_filesystems(), so
    when the rescan ran and the FILESYSTEMS vector was updated with new
    supported actions, the dialog still displayed the original subset copy,
    so didn't reflect the changed supported actions.
    Fix by passing a reference to the GParted_Core::FILESYSTEMS vector,
    obtained from get_filesystems(), and perform the necessary filtering
    inside the dialog, like before the above faulty commit.  Additionally
    finding and adding "other" file system to the end of the list.
    Closes !38 - Fixes for minor issues with File System Support rescanning