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  • Mike Fleetwood's avatar
    Simplify from Gtk::Table to HBox in FileSystem Label dialog · f760c16b
    Mike Fleetwood authored and Curtis Gedak's avatar Curtis Gedak committed
    The FileSystem Label dialog only has a single line of just 2 widgets; a
    text label and entry box widget.  There is no need to use a multi-line
    capable table to hold this.  Switch to a simpler horizontal box widget.
    Note that this change is not related to porting to Gtk 3 and stopping
    using deprecated APIs because both HBox [1] and Table [2] are deprecated
    in Gtk 3.2 and Gtk 3.4 and replaced by Box with horizontal orientation
    and Grid respectively.
    [1] NEWS file from gtkmm 3.2, actually first released in gtkmm 3.1.6
            * All H* or V* specialized classes have been deprecated, to
              match the deprecations in the GTK+ C API. You should now
              set the orientation instead.
              This includes HBox, VBox, HButtonBox, VButtonBox, HPaned,
              VPaned, HScale, VScale,  HSeparator, VSeparator, HScrollbar
              and VScrollbar."
    [2] NEWS file from gtkmm 3.4, actually first released in gtkmm 3.3.2
            "* Deprecate Gtk::Table in favour of Gtk::Grid."