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  • JodyGoldberg's avatar g_string_append (str, · 1fb36382
    JodyGoldberg authored
    2003-09-09  Jody Goldberg <>

    	* src/format.c (style_format_number) : g_string_append (str, str->str)
              is a bad idea.
    	(style_format_delocalize) : handle "" cleanly.
    	* src/formats.c (cell_format_classify) : ditto.
    2003-09-09  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* graph/gog-renderer.h : Add an anchor parm to draw_text and clean up
    	  the semantics of size.
    	* graph/gog-renderer-pixbuf.c (gog_renderer_pixbuf_draw_text) : handle
    	  the various anchor types.
    	* graph/gog-axis.c : Some initial work at generating bounds, and
    	  drawing axis values.
    	* graph/gog-view.c (gog_view_render) : filter objects with invalid
    	  size.  eg a user makes the plot too small to be useful.
    2003-09-09  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* graph/plugins/plot_barcol/gog-1.5d.c (gog_plot1_5d_update) :
    	  percentage charts logicly limit -1 .. 1
    	* graph/plugins/plot_xy/gog-xy.c (gog_xy_plot_update) : no logical min
    	  or max.
    2003-09-08  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* graph/plugins/plot_barcol/ : fix icons to match
    	  reality.  All lines currently have markers by default.
    	* graph/plugins/plot_barcol/gog-line.c
    	(gog_line_update_stacked_and_percentage) : Generate the correct bounds.
    	* graph/plugins/plot_barcol/gog-barcol.c
    	(gog_barcol_update_stacked_and_percentage) : Why special case 0..1
    	(gog_barcol_view_render) : handle bound clipping.