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  • Alexander Kanavin's avatar
    meson_options.txt: add host-gi, gi-cross-wrapper, gi-ldd-wrapper,... · 1707d9b2
    Alexander Kanavin authored
    meson_options.txt: add host-gi, gi-cross-wrapper, gi-ldd-wrapper, introspection-data and pkgconfig-sysroot-path options
    With the first option, gobject-introspection tools (g-ir-doc-tool and g-ir-scanner)
    that are already installed in the host system will be used for building the source tree.
    With the second option, g-ir-scanner will be instructed to use an executable
    wrapper to run binaries it's producing, and g-ir-compiler will be run
    through the same wrapper (host system's g-ir-compiler cannot be used because
    it's producing architecture-specific output).
    With the third option, giscanner will be instructed to use a special ldd
    command instead of system's ldd (which does not work when the binary to inspect
    is compiled for a different architecture).
    With the fourth option, it is possible to disable building of introspection data
    (.gir and .typelib files), which may be difficult or impossible in cross-compilation
    environments, because of lack of emulation (or native hardware) for the target architecture
    on which the target binaries can be run.
    With the fifth option, paths returned by pkg-config are prefixed with the sysroot
    path (which is the destination path for cross-compiled items on the system where
    cross-compilation happens).
    These options are useful when cross-compiling for a different target architecture.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexander Kanavin <>