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  • Jody Goldberg's avatar
    Fix. SheetControl no longer inherits from Table it now contains it. · 972110b3
    Jody Goldberg authored
    2001-07-17  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/workbook-control-gui.c (wbcg_sheet_move) : Fix.
    	  SheetControl no longer inherits from Table it now contains it.
    	* src/sheet-control-gui.c (cb_sheet_object_view_destroy) : rename from
    	* src/sheet-object.c (cb_sheet_object_configure) : Use
    	  sheet_object_view_obj and sheet_object_view_control.
    	(sheet_object_view_destroyed) : remove the sheetcontrol key from the
    	  view when it is destroyed.  And remove our reference to the control.
    	(sheet_object_new_view) : give the view a ref of the control.
    	* src/item-grid.c (item_grid_draw) : only draw bound lines at pane
    	* src/item-bar.c (item_bar_event) : dont draw the resize bar past the
    	  minimum size.