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  • JodyGoldberg's avatar
    We only support frozen panes. Set the flag indicating that this was only a · 8f00eaba
    JodyGoldberg authored
    2004-03-18  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* ms-excel-write.c (excel_write_WINDOW2) : We only support frozen
    	  panes.  Set the flag indicating that this was only a freeze, not a
    	  split too.
    	(excel_write_PANE) : docs are wrong.  The field indicates what type of
    	(excel_write_selections) : rework to match XL.
    	(excel_write_SCL) : Only write the record if zoom != 100%
    	(excel_write_BOF) : update BOF to XP sp2
    	* ms-excel-read.c (excel_read_SELECTION) : Allow the active pane from
    	  the PANE record to override the default of 3.
    	(excel_read_PANE) : store the active pane.
    2004-03-25  Jody Goldberg <>

    	* src/style.c (required_updates_for_style) : redraw for h-align,
    	  striketrough, underline, and font colour changes.
    	* src/application.c (gnumeric_application_setup_icons) : pull in some
    2004-03-20  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/wbcg-actions.c : Move the font actions into a distinct group.
    	* src/wbc-gtk.c (wbc_gtk_actions_sensitive) : start to account for
    	  font vs normal actions.  This interface sucks.  We'll need something
    	  more functional as the number of action groups increases (eg clipboard)
    	(wbc_gtk_init_color_fore) : move into font group
    	(wbc_gtk_init_font_name) : move into font group
    	(wbc_gtk_init_font_size) : move into font group
    	(wbc_gtk_set_toggle_action_state) : split font actions into a distinct
    	(cb_handlebox_dock_status) : ditto.
    	(wbc_gtk_init) : ditto.