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  • JodyGoldberg's avatar
    request no decoration for the splash. (icg_processing_file) : do not push · 64284f53
    JodyGoldberg authored
    2006-12-24  Jody Goldberg <>
    	* src/io-context-gtk.c (cb_realize) : request no decoration for the
    	(icg_processing_file) : do not push the splash to the top for every
    	  file.  It's damn irritating.
    	* src/ : Hook up the DataTable dialog
    	  and re-order Text-To-Columns.
    	* src/sheet-object-widget.c (cb_collect) : handle reference to blank
    	* src/gnm-so-filled.c (gnm_so_filled_user_config) : give labels their
    	  own title.