gnome-system-monitor v46.0 memory leak
Hello, just wondering if any one else here has noticed that when gnome-system-monitor is sitting on the graphic screen that shows the Cpu usage and the Memory and the Network usage that it seems to have a memory leak? I have seen the program consume 1.5 GB of memory after running nonstop for a few days.
This leak only seems to happen when gnome-system-monitor displays the Resources tab aka the graphics display of the Cpu and Memory and Network usage if i switch over to the Processes tab or even the File Systems tab the leak doesn't seem to happen at all and the ram usage is normal.
When logging the the memory usage of the resources tab i was seeing about half a MB per minute being used so after an hour of run time the program was using about 30 MB for each hour it was running while on the Resources tab. Note: even when the program is in the background and on the Resources tab but other program are over top of it aka the program does not have Focus it still chews through the Ram.
This is being run on a Arch based system that's up to date and with kernel 6.6.23-1-lts