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Add version history to app details pages

Phaedrus Leeds requested to merge 1111-version-history-box into master

Helps #1111 (closed)

Here are some screenshots: Screenshot_from_2021-02-09_16-43-17 (The orange rectangle is the focused widget when using keyboard navigation.) Screenshot_from_2021-02-09_16-43-43 (In this one the latest release doesn't have a description.) Screenshot_from_2021-02-09_17-31-33 (For this app no release history is available.) Screenshot_from_2021-02-09_17-30-43 (Apparently some apps have very detailed descriptions of releases, and perhaps there should be some truncation, but that can be a future improvement rather than block this MR.)

cc @bertob

Edited by Phaedrus Leeds

Merge request reports