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  • Florian Müllner's avatar
    signalTracker: Explicitly register destroyable types · fc4f9f61
    Florian Müllner authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    We currently assume that any '::destroy' signal on a GObject type
    has the semantics of the ClutterActor/GtkWidget signal, and should
    therefore result in all signals being disconnected.
    But we already have a case where the assumption doesn't hold: ShellWM
    uses '::destroy' for the closing animation of windows, and the ShellWM
    object itself remains very valid after the emission.
    So rather than making assumptions about '::destroy', check objects
    against a list of destroyable types that are explicitly registered
    as such.
    Part-of: <GNOME/gnome-shell!2226>