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  • Jasper St. Pierre's avatar
    app-usage: Remove crufty old "context"s idea · 04d7069d
    Jasper St. Pierre authored and Jonas Ådahl's avatar Jonas Ådahl committed
    Back in the day, there was a proposed system of tracking apps in a
    specific context.
    The inspiration was that you may have used apps in multiple modes:
    Firefox may have been used in both "Programmer Reference" and
    "Kitten Videos" contexts. Early user response to the feedback wasn't
    too positive - context switching is something that humans have trouble
    doing implicitly, let alone explicitly. The old codebase still has a
    few remnants of this around; let's finally put them to rest.
    Note that we still write out a dummy context tag to the XML file - old
    versions of the shell will flat out crash if you don't have one of those
    in there, so just leave it in for compatibility sake.