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* Fix scroll handling on sliders [Carlos; !2967]
* overview: Handle unredirection as part of the state transition [Robert; !2970]
* Handle DESKTOP windows during workspace animations [Sundeep; !2865]
* Fix unexpected focus changes with multi-window apps [Florian; !2959]
* Improve recording indicator in light style [Georges; !2983]
* Fix calendar popup shrinking on date changes [Sebastian; !2989]
* Fixed crashes [Daniel, Sebastian; !2975, !2974]
* Misc. bug fixes and cleanups [Florian, Martin, Alessandro, Sebastian; !2966,
  !2978, !2987, !3000, #6763]

  Alessandro Bono, Carlos Garnacho, Sebastian Keller, Sundeep Mediratta,
  Florian Müllner, Georges Basile Stavracas Neto,,
  Daniel van Vugt, Martin Zurowietz

  Jordi Mas [ca], Fabio Tomat [fur], Ekaterine Papava [ka], Sabri Ünal [tr],
  Cheng-Chia Tseng [zh_TW], Changwoo Ryu [ko], Florentina Mușat [ro],
  Brage Fuglseth [nb], Evangelos Skarmoutsos [el], Efstathios Iosifidis [el],
  Марко Костић [sr], Hugo Carvalho [pt]