Gnome 47.1.1 broke touch support on Fedora 41
Level: Production CRITICAL OS: Fedora 41 Device: TerraPad 1262v2
Affected version
Gnome 47.1.1-1 used by Fedora 41
Bug summary
Upgrading for a WORKING Gnome 46.6.1 to 47.1.1 with a Systemupgrade from Fedora 40 to Fedora 41, the touch support of gnome-shell broke entirely.
Afaik the issue is, that the mouseUP Event is not processed correctly.
Lets describe it as best as possible:
Gnome start in to app overview mode, with the icon panel at bottom. You touch the Prefs/Logout Button n the right/upper corner und the panel opens it's view. So Screenshot, Batterystatus, Prefs logout etc etc. elements show up AND it stays open, as it should.
Now you can press what ever you like on the screen, NOTHING works anymore. There is also no way to start an app from the icon panel in the overview once you "clicked" somewhere.
The can only be one reason: the mouse button up event is not processed of that one click.
As the TerraPad has a SUPER Key, that one works, when touch is not working. So the system does not freeze, it still works. The media keys work too.
After attaching a mouse and using it, there is only one click possible, so it's a repeating issue with the state of the events coming in. They seems to be ignored, as the UP event did not come. The real mouse events will correct the issue, but thats not a solution to a mouseless device like a Tablet ;)
What did you expect to happen
Working touch recognition as in 46.x