Media controls / MPRIS issue with multiple control boxes appearing
Affected version
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
GNOME Shell Version: 3.36.1
Bug summary
I've noticed a weird occurrence with the MPRIS media controls after upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04. Previously, when watching videos on VLC, I'd double-click a file and that would start a VLC session. I'd then open another file and that would open the video in the existing instance of VLC.
Since upgrading, I've noticed that opening new files seems to create new media control boxes in the Date/Time/Notifications menu. This happens whether I close VLC before opening a new file or keep VLC running when I open a new file. When I open the next file, the title and artist descriptions change for all the control boxes (see attached screenshot). The only way to clear it is to log out.
Steps to reproduce
- Log in
- Double click video file
- VLC opens, begins playing
- Select and open another video file
- VLC starts playing that file
- This should now show two control boxes in the menu
What happened
The notification menu shows multiple instances of the media controller and does not clear them upon process termination.
What did you expect to happen
Expected the single media controller to change and then disappear upon closing VLC.