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  • Florian Müllner's avatar
    animation: Use appropriate spinner asset in light variant · 1dda3393
    Florian Müllner authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Ideally we would replace the sliced-image based animation with a
    themed `process-working-symbolic` icon and rotate it, so the spinner
    simply picks up the current foreground color.
    Unfortunately the `repeat-count` property does not work for rotations,
    so to fix the broken spinner in the light variant
    in the meantime, include assets for both variants and swap them
    out at runtime.
    Not everything in the light variant is actually light (overview,
    OSDs, ...), so use a simple heuristic on the text color to decide
    which asset to use.
    Close #6783
    Part-of: <!3080>