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  • yun341's avatar
    gdm: Refactor oVirt to a generic CredentialManager interface · 809f820c
    yun341 authored
        Commit 4cda61a1 added support for pre-authenticated logins in
        oVirt environments. This feature prevents a user from having
        to type their password twice (once to the oVirt management machine,
        and then immediately again in the provisioned guest running gnome-shell).
        That feature is currently oVirt specific, but a similar feature would
        be useful in non-oVirt based virt farm environments.
        Toward that end, this commit generalizes the various aspects of the
        oVirt integration code, so that it can be reused in a subsequent
        commit for adding single sign on support in vmware deployments, too.
        Closes: #1983