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  • Ray Strode's avatar
    shellActionModes: disable POPUP keybindings in unlock screen · 65455674
    Ray Strode authored
    Certain keybindings should continue to work even when a popup
    menu is on screen. For instance, the keybinding for showing
    the app menu and the keyinding for showing the calendar are
    This is achieved by putting in place a special "POPUP" action
    mode, whenever a popup menu is active.  This mode replaces
    the (e.g., "NORMAL" or "OVERVIEW") action mode that was in place
    for as long as the popup menu is active.
    But those keybindings should not work when the user is at the
    unlock dialog (which uses an action mode of "UNLOCK").
    Unfortunately, since commit c79d24b6 they do.
    This commit addresses the problem by forcing the action mode
    to NONE at the unlock screen when popups are visible.
    Closes #851