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  • Florian Müllner's avatar
    dash: Fix messed up icon height · 4e5ca6d3
    Florian Müllner authored
    When determining the biggest icon size that fits the available height,
    we first subtract the additional space requirements of icons (spacing,
    padding, running indicator etc.) and then divide the result by the
    number of icons to get the maximum size available to each icon texture.
    In the above, the additional space requirement of each icon is taken
    from the first icon (as all icons are assumed to be the same), and
    calculated as the difference between the icon button's preferred height
    and the currently used icon size.
    To make sure that the icon is actually using the dash's current icon
    size (even while animating to a new icon size), we enforce its height
    during the size request and restore its original height afterwards.
    However after some recent changes, that step is causing troubles:
    For some reason, the original height may be 0, and when we restore it,
    we end up forcing a fixed non-height that bypasses the regular size
    request machinery.
    While it is unclear where exac...