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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    Update to drop GTK3 dependency · 656efd33
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    There's a few things going on here, that unfortunately must
    happen in lockstep:
    - The gnome-desktop-3.0 dependency gets replaced by gnome-desktop-4
      and gnome-bg-4. The code in ui/background.js required minor updates.
    - The libnma dependency gets replaced by a libnma4 dependency. The
      code in misc/modemManager.js required minor updates.
    - The gtk3 dependency is torn down everywhere but tests. Some
      missing GdkPixbuf dependencies had to be added to compensate for
      its lack.
    - gtk_init_check() is no longer called
    As a result, we replace a hard gtk3 dependency with a soft gtk4
    run-time linking one, only added indirectly through gnome-bg-4
    and libnma4.
    Part-of: <!2655>