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  • Benjamin Berg's avatar
    plugins: Add systemd user service files for all the plugins · 50eccb08
    Benjamin Berg authored and Benjamin Berg's avatar Benjamin Berg committed
    Using the facility added in the previous commit, we can add systemd user
    service files for all plugins and know when they have started up.
    This is roughly based on the work previously done by Iain Lane
    <> and Bastien Nocera>.
    For each g-s-d process we have a service and a target file. This
    separation only exists to contain dependency failures which would cause
    an OnFailure action to trigger and is needed so that we can use
    OnFailure for the gnome-session fail-whale
    In general, the approach taken is that we start g-s-d processes after and before
    We want to be able to selectively start the services only when one or
    more dependencies are there, or even mask out services under some
    conditions. The approach taken is the following:
     * To mask a service, use a Conflicts entry. This is e.g. used to not
       start certain services in GDM using
     * To depend on multiple targets to be up and running to start, we set
       each of these targets in Requisite/After/PartOf/WantedBy. We always
       do this for but this method is
       extensible to any number of further targets (e.g.