MediaKeys accessing network unexpectedly
I see these messages in journalctl:
Dec 25 15:51:25 hostname org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop[23369]: [23732:23761:1225/] Failed to resolve address for, errorcode: -105
Dec 25 15:51:25 hostname org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop[23369]: [23732:23761:1225/] Failed to resolve address for, errorcode: -105
Dec 26 19:14:40 hostname org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop[23369]: [23732:23761:1226/] Failed to resolve address for, errorcode: -105
Dec 26 19:14:40 hostname org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys.desktop[23369]: [23732:23761:1226/] Failed to resolve address for, errorcode: -105
I am astonished to find that gsd-media-keys is initiating network activity with a host in a foreign county. My understanding of this daemon's purpose is that it runs the increase-volume command when I press the increase-volume key on the keyboard. I don't understand why this would involve network traffic to remote hosts.