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  • gentoo-root's avatar
    rfkill: Monitor WwanEnabled property changes properly · 2a139f06
    gentoo-root authored and Carlos Garnacho's avatar Carlos Garnacho committed
    g-signal is not fired on property changes, so nm_signal is never called,
    and all changes of NetworkManager's WwanEnabled property are missed.
    That leads to an inability to disable the airplane mode on laptops with
    WWAN after the airplane mode was once enabled by button.
    Fix this by subscribing to g-properties-changed to actually listen to
    the updates of WwanEnabled. It also makes the code simpler.
    The bug was caused by a breaking change in NetworkManager [1] when it
    deprecated the custom signal in favor of the standard PropertiesChanged
    on org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties, and gnome-settings-daemon still used
    the old one. The standard one is supported since NetworkManager 1.2.0,
    as noted here [2].
    Fixes: d74b6de1 ("rfkill: watch and set NetworkMa...