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  • Jean Felder's avatar
    gstplayer: Improve query duration handling · a7344823
    Jean Felder authored and Marinus Schraal's avatar Marinus Schraal committed
    The duration handling logic is changed to now listen to the
    'duration-changed' message to handle duration changes.
    However, the duration can only be queried once the pipeline is
    prerolled (it's in the PAUSED or the PLAYING state). If that is not
    the case, the pipeline will receive an 'async-done' message once it's
    prerolled and the duration needs to be queried.
    With this new logic it's possible to remove the timeout to query
    duration at the start of the stream: if the pipeline is already
    prerolled, the duaration query will succeed. If not, the duration will
    be queried once an 'async-done' or 'duration-changed' message will be