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  • Tom Coldrick's avatar
    flatpak: Add flatpak manifest for gnome-latex · 465cca6c
    Tom Coldrick authored
    Adds a flatpak manifest for gnome-latex, which seems to function
    properly. This uses the new org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.texlive
    extension in flathub [0] to solve the issue of how to handle including
    Unfortunately, gnome-latex does not compile against the latest version
    of vala, which is used in the SDK, so I had to bundle vala with the app.
    This also required a patch to stop building valadoc, and thus remove a
    dependency on graphviz.
    As the extension used is for the SDK, rather than the platform, this app
    has to use org.gnome.Sdk as the runtime, otherwise the extension is not
    loaded. Additionally $PATH is modified specifically for x86_64-linux,
    however as the texlive extension is only compiled for x86_64 this app
    wouldn't be able to run using this extension on other architectures anyway.